Worship at Big Moose Community Chapel
Services are held on Sunday mornings from June through September with a Christmas service in December. There is a single service at 10:00 AM. The Chapel's Summer Minister, the Rev. Dr. Weston Williams, will lead worship. Refreshments are served after the service.
Sunday School is provided for children during the service each Sunday, July – the Sunday of Labor Day weekend. Children are taken by their parents down to the Sunday School room in the basement of the Chapel before the service. Their teachers will lead them upstairs to join in the early part of the service. They return to the Sunday School room after a children's sermon with the teachers, and their parents pick them up after the service.
Holy Communion is to be administered on the first Sunday in August. Worshipers of all Christian communities and denominations are invited to take the elements when the Chapel trustees serve the bread and wine.
The Chapel's annual service of remembrance, Memorial Sunday, is held on the second Sunday in August. Names of deceased members of the Chapel community, relatives and friends will be read, along with brief remembrances of their connection with the Chapel community.
Help with our Worship program:
Ushers / Coffee hour hosts: We need volunteers to help provide our welcome and hospitality to friends and visitors. Volunteer for a Sunday at the sign-up table. Ushers and coffee hour hosts are needed for July and August. To volunteer, please email bigmoosechapel@gmail.com or sign-up at the events table after the Sunday service.
Sunday School – We are looking for volunteers to help out with this program on one or more Sundays between now and Labor Day Weekend.
Flowers to decorate the front of the Chapel can be sponsored in memory of loved ones, or to celebrate or commemorate special events or things we wish to honor in our community, the nation, or the world. Please click here for more information.