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Stewardship and Bequests

The Chapel came to be through the generosity of a few families who wanted to create a special place of worship for the Big Moose community, and were ready to donate again after fire destroyed most of the original structure, even though the country was already slipping into the Great Depression.
Ongoing support from scores of contributors over the decades has enabled us to keep our remarkable building in excellent condition, though much remains to be done in the way of ongoing maintenance of a stone structure in an unforgiving climate.
The Chapel solicits annual stewardship contributions from its members around Thanksgiving of each year, and is happy to work with families on bequests and other forms of planned giving.
If you would like to include the Big Moose Community Chapel in your charity program, either this year or in the future, please contact our Treasurer at
  First Peter 4:10   "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace."
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